Website Voice Lines: Moderns


Line 01: I’ll destroy all of Master’s enemies with one shot.

Line 02: If I could use Absolute Nobility, would I be able to protect Master without making them suffer? But if that was the case, I couldn’t stay by Master’s side. For me... for us... what’s the right thing to do?

Line 03: I just can’t get along with that Like Two guy. He gets offended by the smallest things. Even so... I can’t deny that he’s strong. For the sake of protecting Master, his power is indispensable. It’s aggravating, but it’s true.

Line 04: George... When we’re shooting for real, he’s all over the place, but his Absolute Nobility can heal Master’s wounds. When it’s me... I can only make them worse, so I’m jealous of him.

Like Two

Line 01: Haha, scream already, all you weaklings.

Line 02: Things like Nobility and Ruthlessness are values meant for humans. All I care about is having the power to reach my goals. That’s why... when that voice echoed in my head, I reached my hand toward that power. That’s all there is to it.

Line 03: Isn’t Marks more of a dog than a gun? He’s completely inflexible, troublesome to deal with, and always puts Master first, but... when it comes down to it, I guess he’s pretty capable. Still, it’ll suck if he can’t get a little more reasonable.

Line 04: UL85A1 is the gun that’s more or less my older brother. In the World Empire, he called himself Love1... Because he jammed all the time, more than eighty points were remodeled. That’s how I was made. What kind of guy is my big bro? Heh, I wonder.


Line 01: We are iron— Heartless, level-headed, and wielding great power.

Line 02: We are Noble Musketeers. Simply guns. Iron with thought. Right now, I’m operating in a body modeled after a human’s, but if one were to ask if I am truly alive, the answer would be no. That’s why I do not fear death. Until every bit of strength I have runs out, I will wield the power of Absolute Ruthlessness.

Line 03: I am a gun from which many have originated. In that sense, you could say I have a good number of younger brothers. I don’t imagine I’ll be playing the part of an older brother in front of them, but I often wind up faltering when I’m before Dreyse. There are so many secrets held between us that our relationship has a certain sense of security to it.

Line 04: Sieg is foolish beyond belief and an utterly troublesome child. Even if spoken to strictly, he doesn’t follow instructions and hardly seems to respond to punishment. I wonder if I should return him to mere iron.


Line 01: Arisaka doesn’t hate fighting... I think.

Line 02: On the battlefield, there’s no choice but to live from one second to the next... When you have to do whatever it takes to survive, things like Nobility and Ruthlessness... Arisaka doesn’t really understand.

Line 03: Murata is a gun made for Japanese military use, it seems. If Murata didn’t exist, Arisaka wouldn’t either. Murata is someone quite precious, Arisaka thinks. But still, he also doesn’t think it would be a bad thing if Murata fixed his short temper.

Line 04: Hachikyu is a gun used by the Self-Defense Forces, so there’s nothing to criticize when it comes to his abilities. Even though he complains about everything, he’s getting better at making tea. If Master wants some too, asking Hachikyu would be good.


Line 01: I will fight as I’m ordered to...

Line 02: Would I... have been able to use Absolute Nobility if I hadn’t been remodeled...? If I was stronger... and if I didn’t hurt Master... I’d... I really wish I could have Absolute Nobility instead of Absolute Ruthlessness.

Line 03: Kentucky is a very kind Musketeer... He even tries to get along with someone like me. When we do things together... I get this feeling that I’m changing a little.

Line 04: Pennsylvania-san was kind enough not to abandon me... What would have become of me if he... wasn’t there, I wonder? I can’t help but think about that sometimes.


Line 01: Push yourself to the limit of death for me.

Line 02: It feels damn good to beat back the enemy with Absolute Ruthlessness. But unlike those Antiques, I’m plenty strong even without it.

Line 03: That Dreyse bastard’s a fucking self-important, shitty old gun. Even though I’m getting the exact same results... I keep getting all this shit about “rule violations”. It’s seriously pissing me off.

Line 04: Herme is... more or less my big bro, or somethin’ like that. It’s completely different from how it works for humans, I guess... He’s a good gun, that much is for sure.


Line 01: Splendidly and insatiably, let’s enjoy it to the very end, Master.

Line 02: Guns are weapons. They’re symbols of power. The strong profit by stealing from the weak. Isn’t that just the way of the world? I don’t hesitate to take what I want. If you call that Ruthlessness, then think what you want.

Line 03: All Chassepot does is look at the past. Truly, I’ll never comprehend that. We’re guns. That’s all we were made to be. Our wishes and wills don’t come between that.

Line 04: There’s this Japanese guy called Murata. He was made in imitation of me, thus, so to speak, he stole “me”. It would be perfectly fitting to call someone like him a thief.


Line 01: I am a proud man of Satsuma.

Line 02: If there is something called “nobility” on the battlefield... should we call it the indomitable spirit to force yourself to rise while stained with blood, sweat, and chunks of flesh, weeping in hopelessness, and your heart itself broken in your chest? On a battleground, an outward appearance of beauty and nobility means nothing. Well, since I’m on the side of Ruthlessness, I suppose there’s little I can say about the matter. Hohoho.

Line 03: Arisaka is a gun made to be a successor to myself, and one who was used by the Sakura Nation’s Shogunate. What you see is the result of the hell made by human hands. My hope is that in this place, his heart can be a little more at peace.

Line 04: Hachikyu is my junior, you see. He seems to be a fussy child, lacking knowledge of even the basics of combat, but despite these things, there will be no problems. We’ll be guiding him, after all. Learning how to make better tea will serve as a starting point.


Line 01: Haa... my motivation’s dead.

Line 02: I’m not one of those guys who gets all serious about battle, but when things get rough, it’s important to have a trump card. Even though I’m not all hung up on the power of Absolute Ruthlessness, I know how to use it well enough.

Line 03: When it comes to Japanese guns, Murata and Arisaka are just as great as you’d expect. Unlike me, they’ve been through a mountain of serious battles, and their attitudes and auras are nothing like mine. Because of all of that, I don’t really try to defy them.

Line 04: I heard that Mikhael’s in Belgium right now, but I dunno how he’s doing. I’d like to hear his piano again sometime.


Line 01: Hehehe, ahyahya! I’m gonna wreck everything!

Line 02: Before, no one would shut up about that “Be noble! Be noble!” bullshit. For us Moderns, isn’t it enough to use that “Absolute Ruthlessness” thing? Was all of our effort for nothin’? What a joke! Ahyahya!

Line 03: Lorenz... didn’t use to be like that, y’know? It just happened outta nowhere... Fuckin’ creepy... It’s still a hundred times better than when he’s bein’ mean, though.

Line 04: That guy, Hachikyu, didn’t change much. As always, he’s a fuckin’ virgin! If he’s nice enough to treat me... well, I think it’d be fine to have some fun with him.


Line 01: Now then, who do you wish for me to dispose of?

Line 02: If greedily longing for power, no matter what it takes to attain it, is the driving motivation behind Absolute Ruthlessness, then I have a feeling such a thing isn’t suited for me. As a result of my lack of memories, I have no feelings of particular strength. And without passion, it seems I’m without some essential qualities in that regard.

Line 03: In the days when I was with the World Empire, it seems that I had a younger brother called F. Since, at this time, I have no recollection of him, I don’t think I particularly desire to meet him.

Line 04: According to the World Empire’s records, I once often acted alongside a Musketeer named Eins. It’s been a long time, but I don’t think I hated it. He must have been a very interesting Musketeer.